The Great Ocean Road
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Above: It was very
beautiful riding my bike along the moorings at Port Fairy. There where many
different boats of all shapes and sizes. It made me wonder if the kombi
would float and if I could turn it into a sailing boat.
At the mouth of the river
the was an old fort with a collection of old cannons from all over Australia
and further out was this lighthouse. The light house used to be on an island
separated from the mainland by a small waterway. A breakwater was built to
give better access to the island and over time sand has built up in the
waterway and filled it in. The light house is only about 2km from the town
but before the breakwater was built the lighthouse keeper and his family
would spend a month or more on the island without contact with the mainland.
In Portland there is
an old tram that travels from one end of town and back again. you get a day
ticket and can get on and off as you please. it stops a several different
stop of interest along the way. |
To the west of
Portland is Cape Bridgewater. There is a seal colony but I was unable to
walk that far because I had got out of bed the wrong side and pulled a
muscle in my neck which was a real pain. but I did sea the fossilized trees.
(below) The tree were once cover with sand and thus dead. but now wind has
exposed them. The exterior of their trunks had become encrusted with
limestone and the interior had rotted away leaving tall hollow columns. |
Below: View of Cape
Bridgewater |
Near the South Australia /
Victorian border is the Princess Margaret Rose Cave.
There were some amazing sites in the cave...including our hostess :-)
Me in the cave |
Having now worked my way
along the Great Ocean Road I continued on to Adelaide via Mount Gambier.
I had just been to Mount
Gambier not even a month before with Mum and Luke on a
previous adventure
Blue lake at Mt
Gambier |
Bordertown is the
home of the white kangaroos. there was a whole paddock full of these guys.
I decided not to drive on
the freeway through the Adelaide hills and to explore some of the smaller
towns like Nairne, Hahndorf and Mt Marker on the way to the city
Below: View from the top of
Mt barker in the Adelaide hills |

I saw many excellent sunsets
while i was away...the camera just never does them justice.
Go back
to previous pages from this adventure
or check out my another odyssey. |
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This site records the odyssey of Stuart
and his Kombi Adventures, with Peter Oakenful
or whoever else wants to tag along. We are based
Bendigo Victoria.
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